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ERRATA Information for COSMO-REA Data

# Institute Model Simulations Parameters / Tables Version Issue Status
1 DWD COSMO REA6 r1i1p1f1 ts (1hrPt, day, mon) v20230314 Incorrect diagnostic recipe.


in Version v20230713
2 DWD COSMO REA6 r1i1p1f1 orog (fx) v20230314 Owed to the experimental nature of this reanalysis, the surface altitude (orographie) was not held constant throughout the model run, but two slightly varying versions of surface altitude were used: one for the simulation years 2007-2012 (that was published as orog(fx)), one for the rest of the model run (i.e. 1995-2006, 2013-2019). The variable orog(fx) will be retracted and the surface altitude then be published as orog(mon). The data files for atmospheric 3D variables (eg. ta, hus) that require orog as auxiliary coordinate variable for the 'height based hybrid Gal-Chen coordinate' have the correct version of the two surface altitude fields attached.


3 DWD COSMO REA6 r1i1p1f1 * v20230314, v20230713 Data is now provided under a "CC by 4.0" license (before it used to be the "GeoNutzV" license). More information about the license and how to cite the data can be found in the file metadata or under


under new license in Version v20230918


Last Update: Jan. 12, 2024, 4:35 a.m. by Admin User